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Environmental Science - Part 9

Environmental Science Model Questions, Environmental Study Materials, Environmental Study Notes for IAS, Civil Services, TET, TNTET, TNPSC, UGC NET,Environmental Science Study Materials for Tamilnadu TRB TNTET Exam 2013, Environmental Science Old Question Papers in Tamil, Environmental Science Model Question Papers for TET, TNTET 2013, Teachers Eligibility Test 2013
  1. What are the water-borne diseases caused by Bacteria ? Answer

    Typhoid, Paratyphoid, Dysentery, Cholera

  2. What are the water borne diseases caused by Protozoa ? Answer

    Amoebiasis, Giardiasis

  3. What are the water borne diseases caused by Viruses ? Answer

    infectious hepatitis, Poliomyelitis

  4. What are the water borne diseases caused by Parasites ? Answer

    Malaria, Yellow Fever, Tapeworm

  5. What are the water borne diseases caused by Algae ? Answer

    Shistosomiasis, Gastroenteritis

  6. What is a PH value ? Answer

    Acidic or alkaline nature of a liquid.

  7. Acidic liquids have PH value higher than _____________? Answer


  8. Alkaline liquids have PH value less than___________? Answer


  9. Air Striping method in water purification is used for ? Answer

    Removing ammonia, hydrigen sulphide and other volatile matters from water

  10. Who coined the word 'Green House Effect' ? Answer

    JB Fourier (French Mathematician) in 1827

  11. Who obserbed global warming for the first time ? when ? Answer

    Scripps Institute of Oceanography, California in 1957

  12. When did the first UN Conference on Human Environment held, where ? Answer

    1972, Stockholm

  13. When was the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) established ? where is the head quarter of IPCC ? Answer

    1988, Geneva

  14. What was the target of IPCC by the year 2005 ? Answer

    To reduce carbon emission by 20 % and bring back the carbondioxide emission of 1988 level with an eventual reduction of 50 % later.

  15. When was 'Montreal Protocol' by UNEP created and when it came into force ? Answer

    Created in 1987 and came in to force in 1989

  16. When did China and India signed 'Montreal Protocol' ? what was the important event ? Answer

    1990, London Amendment of 'Montreal Protocol'

  17. What was the amendment made in 'Montreal Protocol' in the year 1992 ? Answer
  18. Audible range of noise by a human is ___________? Answer

    0-120 decibel

  19. Some Actions and Noises (Important memorize ) Answer

    Human heart beat - 13 dB
    Chewing gum - 20 dB
    Turning newspaper-30 dB

    Typing-40 dB
    Average city residence - 45 dB
    Dog Barking - 66 dB
    Average city street - 73 dB
    Motor truck - 80 dB

  20. What are the Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections related to public noise ? Answer

    IPC Sections 268 and 290, Fine up to Rs.200


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