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Environmental Science - Part 5

Environmental Science Model Questions, Environmental Study Materials, Environmental Study Notes for IAS, Civil Services, TET, TNTET, TNPSC, UGC NET,Environmental Science Study Materials for Tamilnadu TRB TNTET Exam 2013, Environmental Science Old Question Papers in Tamil, Environmental Science Model Question Papers for TET, TNTET 2013
  1. What is “Red Data Book” ? Answer

    A book dealing with threatened animals or plants of any region of the world.

  2. Who prepares Red Data Book global level ? Answer


  3. In how many number of volumes the Red Data Books is published ? Answer


  4. Who combined Red Data Book in India? How many volumes ? Answer

    Botanical Survey of India, in 3 volumes, containing information on endangered plant species

  5. What is “Green Book” ? Answer

    List of rare plants growing in protected areas.

  6. Who compiles Blue Book, what it covers ? Answer

    UNEP, It covers Endangered Species of the world

  7. How many endangered plants in India are mentioned in the IUCN 2000 Red List ? Answer


  8. What is the Chemical Composition of Clean Dry Air ? ( Important, memorize this) Answer

    Nitrogen (N2) -78.08 Oxygen (O2)0.94 Argon (Ar) -0.0934 CO2 -0.035 Neon(Ne) – 0.00182 Helium(He) – 0.00052 Methane (CH4) -0.00015 Krypton (Kr) -0.00011 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) – 0.00005 Hydrogen (H2) – 0.00005 Xenon (Xe) – 0.000009

  9. How much of air, an individual person breath daily ? Answer

    Inhaling about 16 kg of air.

  10. How many times an healthy person breaths a day ? Answer

    Approximately 22,000 times

  11. Acid rain is caused by ? Answer

    Sulphur Dioxide (SO2 ) and Sulphur trioxide (SO3)

  12. What are the sources of Sulphur dioxide ? Answer

    Thermal power plants, petrolium industry, oil refineries

  13. Sulphur dioxide gas is injurious to human beings which causes _________? Answer

    Cardiac and respiratory diseases such as asthma. Bronchitis, eye irritation

  14. How sulphur dioxide affects plants ? Answer

    Dames membrane, chlorophyll destruction, metabolism inhibition and growth yield reduction

  15. Which gas causes corrosion of metals and poisonous ? Answer

    Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)

  16. Smog' is formed in the sunlight by ? Answer

    Nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons

  17. Jets and Aeroplanes emits which gas's in the admosphere and cause global warming ? Answer
  18. Earth's Water Composition Chart (In %) – Memorize the facts Answer

    Ocean - 97.6 Ice and Snow -2.07 Ground Water -.28 Lakes and reservoirs -.009 Saline lakes -.007 Soil Moisture -.005 Living Organisms -.005 Atmosphere -.001 Swamps and marshes -.003 Rivers and streams -.0001

  19. What is the audiable sound by humanbeings? Answer

    20-20,000Hz, Audio sense is sharpest in the frequency range 2000-8500 Hz.

  20. When atom bomb s were thrown on Hiroshima and Nagazaki ? Answer

    August 6, 1945

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