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No changes in TNTET 2013 Cut off Marks - Tamilnadu Government Announced

Tamilnadu Teachers Eligibility Test TET Cut off marks change, TN TET Exam 2013 cutoff marks change, TNTET Exam 2013 cutoff marksreduce, tntet exam 2013 cutoff marks reduce, tntet exam 2013 cutoff marks change government notification
Honourable Minister for School Education, yesterday 10.05.2013, has cleared a burning doubt among all Teachers Eligibility Test aspirants 'whether the cut off marks wiill be reduced from 60 % ?' . It was a burning arguement among all aspirants. Answering to the questions by some MLAs about the cut off marks reduction in the TRB TNTET 2013 Exam, the Minister has cleared it that there will be no changes in the cut off marks of TNTET 2013 Exam.  He again insisted that it was a policy decision by the government.

4 கருத்துகள்

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